giovedì 27 giugno 2013

...walking with my boyfriend ♥

on Ninfa
Skin: !BaaaH!Dana S.Black - Purple-Eyeshadow Total nude  + Lolas ::: Tango ::: Skin Applier
Breasts: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
Hair: /WasabiPills/ Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Ash
Belly belt: ESH #24 Just You Jewels Summer Belly FREE
Nails: ESH #30 [ S H O C K ] Factory Summer Breeze Nails - Almond Series FREE
Top: [LF] Bomb Mesh Hoodie Blue - SLFW
Pant: [coepio] Mr.Cool Mesh Pants ~ washed Play NEW
Shoes: [whatever] CG Sneaker - eggshell

on Ken
Skin: ..: SAAL Body Inc :.. Dwyn  Tone 6  (Brown Brows)
Shape: !BaaaH! Shape Men – Will NEW
Hair: *Dura* The 3th year Anniversary hair(Black) – Group Gift FREE
Bracelets: [IC] mesh Leather Wristbands .::CopperCross::. Unisex 
Necklace: ~GO L A  Industry~Revolutionary Struggle - Che
Shirt: G O LA #GameFlags -Spain- NEW
Pant: [coepio] Mr.Cool Mesh Pants ~ Black Paint NEW
Shoes: ESH #07 Nerd Monkey - Slip-On V. Shoes FREE

Pose: PurplePoses - Couple 252

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