venerdì 30 marzo 2018


Head applier: Avada~ Harper 150 Catwa Gen2 Applier ~Applique~ round 25
Hair: [NYNE] 'Lionay' Hair - The DollHouse Event round 2 
Eyeliner: Just Magnetized - Classic liner set 03 for CATWA ~Applique~ round 25
Nails: CAZIMI: Nails - Diva [Metals] ~Applique~ round 25
Jumpsuit: [JUSTICE] Zoe Jumpsuit - The DollHouse Event round 2 
Shoes: EQUAL - Malia Sandals - Kinky Event

Poses: Go&See * BonBon * Bento Pose Pack  - Catwa - The Secret Hideout Event

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